Japan Warrior Nation

George W. Alexander, noted historian, military man and author gives a critical and insightful account of Japan s warrior culture and how this culture led the country into World War II. He clearly explains how a nation can become obsessed with war and be led astray by its leaders.

Product Price $29.95

Product Description

George W. Alexander, noted historian, military man and author gives a critical and insightful account of Japan s warrior culture and how this culture led the country into World War II. He clearly explains how a nation can become obsessed with war and be led astray by its leaders. In the case of Japan, Alexander explains, It developed in a setting of continual warfare which gave it a predisposition to settle its economic problems with military aggression in the twentieth century. He further explains how a military entrenched for centuries developed the code of bushido and how it affected the character of the whole of Japanese society culminating in the Pacific War. Will Japan use its military power again to expand its territory? This book provides insight into the geo-political relationships of the countries within the region of East Asia to predict the political and military ramifications of an inevitable future conflict. Anyone with an interest in Japan, World War II and the future of Asia will find this book an essential read!

Price: $29.95

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